Podrška Vijeću, Savjetu i Koordinaciji
Vijeće za nacionalnu sigurnost, Savjet za koordinaciju sigurnosno-obavještajnih agencija i Koordinacija za sustav domovinske sigurnosti 
Informacijska sigurnost – National Security Authority (NSA)
Ured Vijeća za nacionalnu sigurnost je središnje državno tijelo za informacijsku sigurnost
Analitika i nadzor
UVNS provodi stručni nadzor nad radom sigurnosno-obavještajnih agencija i OTC-a te izrađuje izvješća te strategijske procjene za potrebe Predsjednika Republike i Vlade RH
Međunarodni ugovori
Međunarodni ugovori o uzajamnoj razmjeni i zaštiti klasificiranih podataka

National Competence

Most important tasks and responsibilities
  • stipulates coordinates and harmonizes the adoption and implementation of information security measures and standards in the Republic of Croatia;
  • based on the Government Decision negotiates and concludes international security agreements on mutual protection and exchange of Classified Information;
  • performs education and coordinates and harmonizes the work of security officers and security coordinators in state bodies and legal entities;
  • issues security clearances for individuals, Croatian citizens, who handle Classified Information and Facility Security Clearances for legal entities which conclude Classified Contracts;
  • performs oversight of the implementation of information security measures and standards in state bodies and legal entities which handle Classified Information;
  • coordinates and harmonizes the work of ZSIS as the national NCSA, SAA and NDA body and CARNet as the national CERT;
  • coordinates the international cooperation between competent Croatian authorities in the field of information security.

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