Support for the Councils
Support for the Council for the Coordination of Security and Intelligence Agencies and the National Security Council
Information Security - National Security Authority (NSA)
The Office of the National Security Council is the Croatian National Security Authority 
Analysis and Oversight
UVNS’s analytical tasks begin with continuous follow-up of the Agencies’ reports.
International Agreements
International agreements on the exchange and mutual protection of classified information

Can one find out in UVNS if they have been followed or tapped?

The Office of the National Security Council, for the President of the Republic, the Government and the Parliament, is authorized to establish the legality of the work of security and intelligence agencies and OTC and in accordance with that to establish expert basis of the proposal for the application of secret information gathering measures, as well as the legal basis – if there is an authorization in accordance with stipulated procedures.

For individual questions the citizens may, pursuant to Article 40 of the Security and Intelligence System Act, may contact the security and intelligence agencies. 

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